Gum Disease

Office Hours
Open Mon-Fri at 7:00am
Our Location
Mayfair Place: 6707 Elbow Dr. SW
Customer Connect
(403) 253-6602

Periodontic Treatments

Treating Gum Disease


Periodontics is the treatment of periodontal (gum) disease. We have a highly skilled group of dental hygienists. The dentists are also equipped with techniques and tools to maintain our patients dentition. We can replace missing gums with easy procedures we can also control infected tissue with the use of laser treatments. Periodontal infection works its way into gum and bone over a period of time. This infection is typically without pain and can weaken the support of your teeth which can lead to health, comfort and appearance concerns later. Periodontics has made great strides in the surgical and non-surgical management of periodontal problems. A recent innovation involves a non surgical way to effectively control periodontal infection and help heal in a simple less invasive and less expensive way. The technique is simply called ‘Cleaning and Disinfecting’. The results have been shown to be very effective.